Burn Fat While You Sleep!

Imagine losing weight while you sleep!

Our bodies can burn fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If your body isn’t burning fat like a furnace and you’re having trouble losing weight, it’s most likely because your liver isn’t functioning correctly. Without a healthy liver, nothing else you do for weight loss will make a dent.

While the other organs rest at night, repairing and rejuvenating for a new day, your liver is hard at work processing waste from your body, natural waste from cellular energy production, and unnatural waste from artificial additives in our food and chemicals in our water.

You really can burn fat while you sleep, but not if your poor, run-down liver is clogged up with junk. The first step in losing weight is to unclog your liver.

Your liver is home to industrial-strength workers called hepatocytes. Hepatocytes provide effective communication within the liver, cleansing the blood of waste by-products, processing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, synthesizing cholesterol and lipids, and much more.

Diet, stress and medications put up walls inside the liver, preventing the hepatocytes from communicating effectively!

If I was your liver, I’d cry “Uncle” and give up under this enormous work load!

With each of our cancer patients, the very first place we start is with detoxifying the liver to start cleansing the blood and boosting immune system response. Why not do the same thing for weight loss?

When we sat down to create our Night Time Fat Burner formula, the first ingredient we wanted to include was Milk thistle.

For centuries, Milk thistle has been revered as a “liver tonic”, and research studies now show this herb to be highly effective in repairing damage to the liver from toxic chemicals and medications.

Balancing blood sugar is the next step toward weight loss.

If your blood sugar is out of control, you have constant cravings for carbohydrates and sugar! Craving sweets means your messenger hormones are confused – what your body actually needs are proteins or fats, but instead we think it is for sweets.
Continue reading “Burn Fat While You Sleep!”

Be "High School" Skinny Again

What if I said you could be High School Skinny by Christmas? That you could finally get rid of those unwanted pounds of flab and fat once and for all – without radical dieting or exhausting exercise everyday?

Would you believe me?

I’m going out on a limb here, but I believe this giant discovery that has the weight loss industry and even Dr. Oz excited and raving about it is practically guaranteed to make you lose weight!

What is this amazing stuff?

America’s Hottest New Way to a Flat Stomach

a photo of a woman’s flat stomachThe entire diet world is absolutely going crazy about green coffee bean extract! No, it’s not a high-caffeine drink. But it does come from the same coffee bean roasted and brewed for your favorite cup of joe.

You see, when you roast coffee beans at high temperature, the process removes the bitter taste, but it also destroys Chlorogenic Acid, an amazing natural compound found in coffee fruit that works like MAGIC in inhibiting the absorption of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream, while at the same time boosting the release of stored fat to be burned for energy.

But wait, I know what you are thinking – if I take green coffee extract, I’ll be wired-up and jittery from all the caffeine. Fortunately 98% the caffeine is removed during the extraction process, leaving behind powerful polyphenols (antioxidants) and Chlorogenic Acid for rapid weight loss!

If a sensible diet and daily exercise still leave you with stubborn pounds and inches to lose, green coffee bean extract just might be the answer to your prayers!

The Green Coffee Bean Project

Recently Dr. Oz conducted an informal study with volunteers from his studio audience to determine if green coffee bean extract really worked.

He selected 100 women between the ages of 35-49 with a Body Mass Index (a measure of fat based upon height and weight) of 25-45. In order to be considered for the project, the women could not be pregnant or breastfeeding, have diabetes, or a history of heart attack or stroke.

Click here to launch the video in a new window.

Continue reading “Be "High School" Skinny Again”

Fall is Here!

Hello and welcome back to Our Community Kitchen!  We would like to thank those of you who responded to our initial article.  We look forward to hearing from more of you in the future.

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Hello I’m Pamela Van Zee, Editor of Our Community Kitchen.

As a young adult, I developed asthma, and for many years I used inhalers and occasionally steroids to control the attacks. I just knew there had to be a better way to manage it. Fortunately, I was introduced to Wayne Garland!

When I told him about my condition he immediately recommended I get off all dairy products, especially cheese, as dairy creates mucous in the body, which was making breathing difficult.

With this simple change to my diet and few of Wayne’s supplements, my asthma attacks started to diminish the first week and within 60 days I stopped using an inhaler altogether, and haven’t used one since. It’s hard to believe that was nearly 20 years ago.

I have always loved to cook and this experience heightened my desire to seek alternative methods for my well being. I have been been dairy-free ever since and vegetarian for the last 10 years.

I remember in the early years, my family and friends thought I was on some “fad” diet and didn’t understand my journey to achieve a better quality of life.  However, over time, they saw the benefits of my decision in my overall health and appearance.  Some of them have applied the same practices to their lives and now I’m the person they call for alternative recipes, pantry clearing and grocery shopping trips.  I have assisted them with learning to shop for nutritional foods which in turn has helped them achieve a healthier life.

Through the years I have been able to accumulated a wealth of information which I’m excited to share with you on your quest toward  “Contagious Health”.

Continue reading “Fall is Here!”

Dr. Oz calls it "Fat-Burner in a Bottle!"

Earlier this year, Dr. Oz featured an amazing fat-burning discovery on his TV show about a natural compound found in red raspberries.

He calls it a “Fat-Burner in a Bottle!”

And you know what, I think he’s right.

Raspberry ketones are the powerful little compounds that give raspberries their yummy smell PLUS they give you the extra little something to help you lose the weight – and keep it off.

You’ll still have to do your part though. Long term weight loss means curbing late night snacking – and this product will help you to do that – by supporting the body in burning more fat faster!

a photo of Wayne Garland's Raspberry Ketone Body Fat Metabolizer weight loss formulaResults will vary, however most people find within the first few days that their appetite has decreased and after a week or two, many report weight loss.

Even better? No annoying side effects!

Ever since Dr. Oz’s TV show, the market has been flooded with products advertising Raspberry ketones with claims for weight loss.

If you know me at all, you know we don’t make “me too” products. Which is why we’ve waited so long to introduce this formulation. We wanted a block-buster formulation that worked on many fronts.

Our Raspberry Ketone Body Fat Metabolizer combines raspberry ketones with Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs proven for centuries help your body lose that excess fat!

It cuts food cravings by helping you maintain a feeling of fullness and at the same time slices up fat cells, making them easier to burn as fuel.

Continue reading “Dr. Oz calls it "Fat-Burner in a Bottle!"”

Keys to a Longer Life – Part II

Even though we think we can eat whatever we want, our body has to deal with every choice we make. Choosing what foods we put into our body can upset a delicate balance between war and peace – between health and disease.

Without sufficient probiotics, the body is vulnerable to obesity, suppressed immune response and even cancer. Intestinal bacterial composition is a huge component when fighting these health problems – even more important than dieting, exercising and genetic makeup.

In her book, The Alchemy of Nourishment, Esther Cohen states that our digestive tract, specifically the intestines, provide home for 70% of our immune system. These bacteria provide immunity we don’t have to work for – they work for us.

Probiotics are the soldiers on the front line of the battle for our health, protecting us and constantly guarding against unhealthy bacteria and pathogens invading our body. We just need to provide them with the right environment to keep them nourished.

When we go out of our way to take extra probiotics, we actively become resilient and improve our ability to adapt to any disease invasion.

Continue reading “Keys to a Longer Life – Part II”

What is your "Big" New Year Resolution?

We want to help! Last year we published the incredible results that one of our customers, John Keefe in Massachusetts, accomplished with our Easy Cleanse Detox program, losing more than 30lbs in 30 days.

Shortly afterward, we received emails and phone calls from many more customers sharing their own stories of success from following the program.

A recurring theme in all of the messages was how the weight just fell off, even though the Easy Cleanse program is not a diet! This year we have upgraded the program with even more advice and tips.

If you’re serious about losing weight and detoxifying your body, this is the only program proven to work. Let’s get rid of those unwanted pounds, NOW!

a photo of John Keefe

Two years ago I had unsuccessful knee surgery and I had put on extra weight. I was in need of a cleanse and tried that guy on TV’s cleanse and had no luck. I then tried a different cleanse and was starving the entire time and did not get any results. I also heard of the acia-berry cleanse which was a joke and a major rip off.

I said to my wife, “Does Dr. G have a cleanse?”

We looked it up on his website and found his to be very unique and exactly what I needed. So my wife and I did the cleanse together for 2 weeks.

I started to work out 2 times a week for one hour a day and the results were incredible. My wife who is thin to begin with lost 7 pounds and looked much healthier and I lost 23 pounds!

I was so focused I decided to continue on my own for the full 4 weeks and increased my cardio workouts. I ended up losing 39 pounds! Since then it has been 3 months and I have been able to keep the weight off. I have now lost a total of 44 pounds and feel relief throughout my entire body!

The results I received was a direct relationship with trusting Dr. G’s Detox program, an extreme amount of discipline, and hard work. I followed the game plan exactly how it is laid out and did not cheat even once – not one bad drink or one piece of chocolate or one slice of pizza and it was all worth it!

Before I started, I said I know what eating poorly and not exercising has done to me and that was not working so I decided to go full tilt with Dr. G’s program and the rest is not history, but a healthier future.

My favorite saying during the cleanse was, “Just get me to the baked potato,” because that meant I made it one more day.

The few things I wished I had time for were the coffee enema, hot stone massage, and epsom salt bath; but with 3 kids, work, and coaching my daughters T-ball and softball teams I just could not fit it in this time. The next cleanse I will make the time for them because it will only increase my results.

I also must say that I never had any diarrhea, cramping, or felt overly hungry at all.

Once again I know I sound like I am always repeating myself but, “THANKS DR. G, YOU ARE THE MAN!”

John Keefe, MA

Take this 30-second detox test.

Do you have:

  • Low energy or constant fatigue
  • Poor skin complexion or blotches
  • Mental cloudiness or inability to concentrate
  • Frustrated all the time
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irregular or constipated
  • Poor digestion or acid reflux
  • Poor immune function
  • Body odor
  • Bad breath
  • Irritable and lose your temper easily
  • Brittle hair, skin, nails
  • Chronically overweight

If you answered yes to more than one, you are toxic and your body is crying out for help, immediately.

A New Year – A New You!

I want you to use the oldest health remedy in existence. Not some new fangled, superstar-endorsed gimmick. It’s called “fasting”, the basis of detoxification.

Every single client I work work with starts with the two “D’s”: Detoxification and Diet. Detox your whole body, mind and spirit. Release the limiting beliefs.
Continue reading “What is your "Big" New Year Resolution?”

Activating your Metabolic Sparkplug

Last night we hosted a teleconference with Greg Ashby, Certified Holistic Health Counselor on our team, as he revealed his theory of how invisible stress prevents weight loss, creates nagging pain and leaves us tired and exhausted all the time.

Most importantly Greg shared his insights into how to reverse all of these conditions by “turning on” your Metabolic Sparkplug. Today’s article is written by Greg and a summary of what we discussed on the call.

If you missed the teleconference, pour yourself a cup of hot Tulsi tea, (you’ll learn more about this “Queen of Herbs” on the call) and find a comfy chair.

Click Here to access the recording
Enter Conference Code: 469930

Greg Ashby, Certified Holistic Health Counselor

There’s an old natural healing adage:

“Are you a body with a mind – or a mind with a body?”

There is a dramatic and powerful direct connection between our mind and body, and of our body to our mind, in fact it really should not be called a connection because it is just one total “bi-directional system.”

Hans Selye, MD, the man who coined the word “stress” and first mapped out its biological effects said, “The modern physician should know as much about emotions and thoughts as about disease symptoms and drugs.”

Dr Bach, who created the famous Bach Flower Remedies also said that all disease had an emotional foundation and until this was resolved, no true healing could occur. This approach would appear to hold more promise of a “cure” than anything medicine has given us to date.

Flick the switch and turn on your Metabolic Sparkplug
Tomorrow when you get up, turn on your Metabolic Sparkplug within you and reignite your natural fat burning capability.

During the early years of human evolution, in order to survive, humans developed a “fight or flight” response that boosted adrenaline and blood sugar absorption to rapidly deliver energy, while at the same time shutting down non-essential functions like digestion and immune response.

Scientists have named this response-substance Cortisol and while we no longer fear for our lives from lions and tigers, stress from our always-on-the-go lifestyle generates the same Cortisol-raising response.

See if you recognize any of these conditions that can occur from chronically-elevated Cortisol:

  • Memory impairment caused by Hippocampal atrophy
  • Insulin resistance, leading to full-blown Diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis (blocked arteries supplying the heart)
  • Osteoporosis and porous bones
  • Sarcopenia (degenerative loss of muscle mass and strength)
  • Mood changes
  • Sleep changes
  • Hyper-excitation
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammed Bowel Disease (IBD) and Chron’s Disease (inflammation of the intestines)
  • Digestive problems and acid reflux
  • Neuromuscular complaints, cramping and Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Suppressed Immune System (always the first to catch a cold or flu)
  • Viral infections
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Sluggish metabolism

Continue reading “Activating your Metabolic Sparkplug”

Get "Chinese Skinny" with Fast Start!

40% of American adults have “Pre-Diabetes”.
80% with Type 2 Diabetes are overweight or obese.
Blacks have a 51% higher propensity for obesity.
Hispanics have 21% higher propensity for obesity.
The Appalachia Region and Southeast have the highest rates of obesity & diabetes.

Why are the Chinese always so skinny?

Americans look like blobs compared to them. A staggering 67% are overweight and even worse, 33% of us are “obese”! And it’s getting worse, by the day.

Want the lowdown on the Chinese’ big secret? We have it – all natural of course – and it’s the biggest diet news in the decade.

If you ever go to China, mark my words, you’ll never see a fat Chinese person. The only fat people you will see are the tourists!

The Chinese are always moving. They are running here or there, on a bike or on a rickshaw and have inexhaustible stores of pure dynamite energy.

They never sit down for even a second. They even eat on the run! The entire country is ONE BIG PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE. Being there is like being trapped in a Jackie Chan movie that won’t stop!

It’s the GREEN TEA, Stupid!

The answer to their epidemic of skinny-ness was staring me right in the face! Apart from running everywhere at a 100mph, all Chinese drink copious amounts of Green Tea every minute of the day.

Every business meeting starts with a big teapot full of Green Tea placed in the center of the table.

Just go to your local Chinatown and eat at a good, family-run restaurant. A pot of hot Green Tea will be plonked down in seconds. They can’t help it, It’s in their DNA.

I got so hooked on drinking Green Tea while I was there, I came back with boxes and boxes. (In fact I’m drinking a big mug of it as I write this article – one of about 8 mugs I’ll have today.)
Continue reading “Get "Chinese Skinny" with Fast Start!”

My Waist Shrunk 2 Inches!

Do me a favor and pinch your tummy between your finger and thumb. Feel that soft, squishy tissue? That’s abdominal fat and it’s a sure sign of early-onset obesity and possible high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease.

I think we have the surest, safest and sure-fire way to get rid of this with our famous 14-day Easy Cleanse Detox Program.

It’s easy, simple to do and the pounds AND INCHES just melt off. One of our team members, Dale, put it to the test and the results were fabulous, read what he has to say. This could be you.

a photo of Dale Aychman

My name is Dale and I have heard so many great stories about our 14-day Easy Cleanse Detox program, that I wanted to try it for myself.

I signed up for a Half-Ironman triathlon race this summer and the Detox program seemed like an ideal way to start the new year and kick-start my training. I wanted to “clean out my system” and lose some bodyfat so I could recovery quicker from workouts.

I turn 49 this year and like a lot of men, I have a little roll of fat around my belly that just won’t go away, no matter how hard or often I workout.

After 7 days on the cleanse, I noticed my waistline was definitely thinner. After 14 days, I lost 2 inches off my waist! I was excited to fit into a pair of jeans that were gathering dust in my closet for years.

I discovered a couple of tricks that helped me during the Detox.
Continue reading “My Waist Shrunk 2 Inches!”

I lost over 30 lbs in 30 days!

I think we accidentally created a blockbuster new diet formula in making our new Easy Cleanse Detox formula.

We incorporated a little known fact about fighting obesity:

“If you get rid of the toxins in the body, you get rid of the excess fat at the same time!”

John Keefe in Massachusetts lost over 30lbs in just 30 days with this new formula and following our 15-day total body cleanse program (which John followed for 30-days.)

An image of John Keefe
John Keefe

Two years ago I had unsuccessful knee surgery and I had put on extra weight. I was in need of a cleanse and tried that guy on TV’s cleanse and had no luck. I then tried a different cleanse and was starving the entire time and did not get any results. I also heard of the acia-berry cleanse which was a joke and a major rip off.

I said to my wife, “Does Dr. G have a cleanse?”

We looked it up on his website and found his to be very unique and exactly what I needed. So my wife and I did the cleanse together for 2 weeks.

I started to work out 2 times a week for one hour a day and the results were incredible. My wife who is thin to begin with lost 7 pounds and looked much healthier and I lost 23 pounds!

I was so focused I decided to continue on my own for the full 4 weeks and increased my cardio workouts. I ended up losing 39 pounds! Since then it has been 3 months and I have been able to keep the weight off.  I have now lost a total of 44 pounds and feel relief throughout my entire body!

Continue reading “I lost over 30 lbs in 30 days!”