"My Stomach Just Became a Billionaire!"

Your Stomach Can be a Billionaire Too!

Any good medical researcher will tell you that nearly 99% of your immune system is in your stomach – or your “gut” – which is your entire digestive system from mouth to anus.

It is in the gut where tiny organisms called “bacteria”, breed to create the climate of all health – for better or worse.

Creating a healthy environment where the immune system can thrive is what we strive for.

That’s where “probiotics” come in.

Probiotics are the opposite of “anti-biotics”.  Probiotics are building blocks for the immune system, used to create good, friendly bacteria so the immune system can function to the highest potential.

Probiotics are what it is all about!  And you need a lot more of them in your body than you might think – in fact, you need BILLIONS! Not just a hundred or thousands or millions – BILLIONS!

The more probiotics you have in your gut, the stronger it can be and the more it can do for you – rather than against you.

We’ve all suffered with at least mild digestive issues at some point in our lives, but many Americans suffer every second of the day with horrific ailments from something called “leaky gut” – I hate just saying the words!

Of course, changing your diet will help you make huge strides toward total gut health.  But what about the damage you’ve already done?  How can that be healed?

Today, we are thrilled to introduce to you the improved Pro-Biotic Max™ formula containing 25 BILLION live organisms per capsule – one capsule a day! – and one bottle contains an entire 2 month supply

You can become a BILLIONAIRE today!

“The road to health is paved with good intestines!”
― Sherry A. Rogers

Do you ever have bad breath?  More often than not?  How about yeast infections?  Constipation?  Diarrhea?  Bloating? Burping?

If you answered yes to any of these symptoms, your gut is probably not thriving.  The answer is simple:

Having a thriving gut is the #1 factor in having a healthy immune system – and the key to a healthy life!

What are Pro-Biotics and Why Should I Take Them?

We are all ecosystems. Our ecosystems are in danger from all the medications, pesticides and environmental pollution ingested, slathered on and inhaled.

The body houses this unique, balanced ecosystem, beginning with the stomach, then the large and small intestine, in charge of distributing nutrients to nourish the organs. Residing in this ecosystem is more than 400 species of bacteria.

Bacterium isn’t always bad!  In fact, the it’s made up of 3 main types of friendly bacteria:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifido-bacterium bifidum
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Acidophilus works in the small intestine. Bifidus predominates in the large intestine and bulgaricus is a transient bacterium that passes through the entire intestinal tract.
Continue reading “"My Stomach Just Became a Billionaire!"”

Russia's Secret Olympic Weapon

“At six of its nine appearances at the Olympic Games between 1952 and 1988, the Soviet team (USSR) ranked first in the total number of gold medals won, it was second on the other three occasions.”

The Russian Olympic teams had “secret weapons” for enhancing athletic performance without drugs and relieving stress of training and sustaining energy and stamina for the body, brain and central nervous system.

These powerful weapons were DMG and Rhodiola.

Mislabeled for years as vitamin B-15, DMG is an effective energy booster, stamina-enhancer and cardiovascular-building nutrient, as it makes the process of metabolism extremely fast and significantly more efficient.

Muhammad Ali used it during his reign as the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, claiming it was HIS “secret weapon” in training.

Rhodiola is a powerful adaptogenic herb, in that it has the capacity to normalize body functions and strengthen systems compromised by stress. It is able to SUPERCHARGE the DMG for a significantly more powerful effect in your body.

These “top secrets” of the Russian Olympic teams beyond doubt enhanced their athletic performances without “performance enhancing” drugs

It was particularly beneficial for relieving the extreme stresses of training and boosted endurance, energy and stamina, not just physically, but in the brain and central nervous system too.

We are excited to introduce our newest formulation combining these amazing all-natural ingredients called Nature’s Energy Secret. On Sale for a limited time!
Continue reading “Russia's Secret Olympic Weapon”

Pure Unadulterated Life – in a Jar

“Because these marine phytoplankton are so microscopically tiny, they immediately enter a sickened digestive system or liver, and are able to begin restoring neurochemicals and minerals immediately … often producing significant results within days.”
Dr. Jerry Tennant
Founder/Director of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine

You’ve no doubt heard of acai berries, black soybeans, Chia Seeds or resveratrol – all superfoods that help you lose weight, reverse aging and have enough energy for the entire day – without caffeine!

But, have you heard of Marine Phytoplankton?

Scientists have discovered it is THIS superfood that is at least 100 times more potent than all the other superfoods – combined!

Phytoplankton is a supercharged micro-algae – a living food containing every known vitamin, mineral and amino acids our body needs for optimal health and survival.

Did you catch that? You can actually survive on this stuff!

Phytoplankton is THE original source of Omega-3s – even more powerful fish or flax oil, providing an “instant energy boost”, because the nutrition is literally deposited DIRECTLY into the blood stream in seconds.

According to NASA research, Marine Phytoplankton is responsible for producing up to 90% of the Earth’s oxygen. (A mature tree can only provide oxygen for two human beings!)

Phyto-Plankton works alongside our body’s natural detoxification processes, cleaning out cells and replacing the toxins with PURE UNADULTERATED LIFE – the exact food we need to not just survive, but to live abundant, healthy, happy and whole lives.

Our Marine Phyto-Plankton formula helps you do more than survive – you can achieve the greatest health of your life – so far!

Japanese runner Kozo Haraguchi, 95, celebrates after setting the new world

Kozo Haraguchi had an Incredible – and LONG – Life!

He was born in 1910 in Kobayashi, Miyazaki, Japan. When he was 65 years old, he began to take an hour long walk around his neighborhood every single day.

He eventually became a track and field athlete and the World Masters Athletics record holder in the 100 m sprint for men aged 90–94 (18.08 second) as well as the record holder for men aged 95–100 (21.69 seconds).

Asked at the time if he would challenge the record for centenarians, he replied: “I will try as long as I can hold out.”

Kozo died in his Japanese home in 2011 at the ripe old age of 101!

How Did the Japanese Become the Longest-Living People on Earth?

Perhaps they know something the rest of the world doesn’t.

One of their secrets is a unique superfood, Marine Phytoplankton, crammed with life generating elements. The Japanese take more of this pure dynamite superfood per person than Americans take of Vitamin C. They take it religiously in a tiny capsule containing a veritable ‘smorgasbord’ of life!

Proven to suck out even heavy metals like Mercury, Cadmium and Lead from the Liver, Marint Phytoplankton is able to clean the liver – and as we know, when the liver is clean, the blood gets filtered clean and the body becomes clean.

Phytoplankton acts like a “magnet” to suck the heavy contaminating metals out of the tissues.

This is why the Japanese who eat this every day live so long.

You too can immediately turn off the aging clock and detox your body, at the same time!

Believe is it possible.

Do you think it’s possible to reverse human aging naturally – without dangerous drugs?

Continue reading “Pure Unadulterated Life – in a Jar”

THE Single Most Important Resolution of 2014

Like many of you, millions all over the world spent time this past week pondering the failures and successes of the past year and contemplating resolutions and goals for the coming year.

The single most important New Year’s Resolution you can make is to vow to finally overcome any health concern or worry or disease you are suffering from.

Stop smoking or drinking, overcome obesity and diabetes, stress, osteoporosis, arthritis, high cholesterol and blood pressure – make 2014  the year you break through and overcome these toxic habits and epidemics that are taking far too many lives, and could take yours too if not attended to immediately.

When your body and mind and cleansed and toxic free, the rest of your life will just fall into place.

Read on to find out how you can start today to make 2014 the year you change your life forever.  Cleanse in the new year for a brand new YOU!

A New Year – A New You – REALLY!
To do it, I want you to use the oldest health remedy in existence.  It’s called “fasting”.

The foundation of detoxification and remedy for every single ailment I treat starts and ends with the two “D’s”: Detoxification and Diet.

Without these, you’re pinch-hitting trying to get better.

It doesn’t matter if the problem is just a simple headache or terminal cancer – you have to FIRST get your body purified, and then put pure food into that pure body.

There’s no magic bullet or prescription drug that will make it all better, although that’s what the big drug companies would have you believe.

Detoxification and Diet use the Power of Wh0 Created Us All, and ultimately creates what I call the Contagious Health that resides within all of us.

It isn’t “Are You Toxic” – it’s “How Toxic Are You”?
More than 3 million synthetic chemical substances are known to exist, with over 35,000 new ones added each year. Only a tiny fraction are ever tested for toxicity to humans, animals and plants. Most arrive on trade winds from developing countries that have few, if any, safeguards in place.

We  are immersed in synthetic, often toxic substances. Every system of the body is affected from deep level tissue damage to sensory deterioration.

I personally believe this Toxic Waste Syndrome is the root cause of Autism and learning difficulties with our children, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, and cancers of all types, including Breast, Prostate and Pancreatic cancers, along with the massive increase in uncontrollable violence and suicidal tendencies in our toxic society.

Christ Fasted – and So Should YOU!
Fasting for health is our oldest health remedy. It is mentioned throughout the book of Exodus. Moses and Elijah did it and Jesus speaks directly about fasting and diet in the Gospels.

To this day, Jews fast for atonement, Christians fast during Lent, Muslims during Ramadan and Hindus fast routinely. Fasting was also advocated by Plato and my hero, Hippocrates.

Our bodies are filled with poisons from a diet that is full of sugars, artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet or Equal (Aspartame), Sweet’N Low or SugarTwin (Saccharine) and Splenda (Sucralose), artificial colorings, heavy metals Lead, Mercury and Fluoride in our water and fish, medications, cellular and metabolic waste products from wrongly combined foods, caffeine, nicotine from cigarettes, overeating and inadequate nutrition.

The body discharges poisons in any way it can. A cold is merely a relief valve for the lungs, blood, liver and lymphatic system overloaded with congestion. Stress combined with improper diet compound the effects. Lack of clarity, energy, frustration and instability result.

Give me a month and I’ll give you a lifetime. If you came to our clinic wanting help, this is the program I would put you on.

It’s not easy, but the rewards are gigantic.  Fasting and detoxification gives your body a well-deserved vacation and with it, the potential to repair itself.

“The miracle isn’t that you finished, the miracle is that you had the courage to start.”
John Bingham

Continue reading “THE Single Most Important Resolution of 2014”

"got protein? – got MEGA protein?"

Where Do You Get YOUR Protein?

Of the million questions I get asked each day, this is the most common one:

“If you’re a vegetarian, and don’t eat meat, where do you get your protein?”

One of the great fallacies of all time that we can only get protein from eating animals – beef, chicken, pork, turkey and fish. The fast-food giants would love you to believe this, of course. So too, would the beef and cattle industry, the dairy industry and even the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) with their out-of-touch, ridiculous food pyramid.

We’ve all seen the “got milk?” mustache ads on TV and in magazines, claiming milk is THE perfect food.

The facts, as usual, are quite the reverse.

Mankind existed for thousands of years without spears and knives (or guns!) to kill animals for the night time meal. Our planet is, in its most simplistic analysis, one gigantic spinning “garden” – a “Garden of Eden” if you will – full of bountiful herbs, plants, fruits, nuts and vegetables, GUARANTEED to sustain life on the planet.

We were never designed to exist on dead cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys. We were designed to exist ON PLANTS!

Today, we are ecstatic to announce the re- release of our hugely popular Protein Plus Superfood!

I’ve seen this stuff work miracles over the years, and I know this for a fact – it can work a miracle in YOUR life too!

Whey Protein with “IGF-1″ is Very Dangerous

Most protein powders available in grocery stores use whey protein, because it is cheap. It comes from cow’s milk and is unhealthy.

Think about it. Cow’s milk was designed by the Creator to nurture baby calves from birth to 500 lbs., as quickly as possible! Today, most cows are also injected with powerful growth hormones and antibiotics, that are transferred into the milk they provide. This is not only dangerous, it can become deadly! To learn more about the chronic overuse of antibiotics, read our in-depth report: What’s for Dinner: Antibiotics!

IGF-1 or “Insulin Growth Factor-1″, is the raw fuel that explodes cancer into tumors in the body.

It is the most powerful growth hormone to exist in Nature and every sip of milk, gulp of whey or bite of cheese contains IGF-1, which dramatically affects the proliferation of breast cancer cells, prostate cancer and overall proliferation of all cancer growth.

Whey protein has become a hugely popular form of protein. Just add a scoop to your fruit smoothly and you get all the protein for your entire day! Go into any smoothie store for a “healthy” choice for lunch or afternoon snack, and tell them, “add the protein boost, please! ” and they will comply with a scoop of this putrid, toxic compound – guaranteed to make you F-A-T, unhealthy and most importantly, increase your chances of getting cancer!

Just say, “No Whey, Jose!”
Continue reading “"got protein? – got MEGA protein?"”

Testosterone Levels Shock Doctor

Hi!  My name is Chris and I want to share with you how Boost Testosterone has changed my life.

Since I’m approaching 40 years old, I wanted to get my baseline hormone levels so that I could monitor them in the years to come.

My first test was in May and what came back was okay but not phenomenal. My “total testosterone” was 714 and “free testosterone” was 75, which wasn’t too bad but there was definitely room for improvement.

3 months later after using the Testosterone Boost cream and taking DIM, my numbers went up dramatically.  My “total testosterone” increased to 1,284 (+540) and my “free testosterone” up to 123.5 (+48). That’s a huge jump in a short period of time and needless to say my doctor was pretty shocked.

So, what have I noticed on the two products?

  • Increased energy…CHECK
  • Increased libido…CHECK
  • Increased lean mass…CHECK
  • Improved body composition…CHECK

Continue reading “Testosterone Levels Shock Doctor”

You are a Child of the Universe

We are all descendents from the heavens – children of our God and of His universe – YES, YOU!

Even our blood is a amalgam of stars and their stardust – these are the minerals and trace minerals that are the raw materials of every planet, every star.

This is the “blueprint” of my biggest miracle formula, Miracle of Life.  As its name suggests it is a miracle in providing LIFE itself.

Taking Miracle of Life is like having your own personal doctor or therapist in the palm of your hand!

A dear friend from India, who is now working as a doctor at Chicago General Hospital, likened it to “nutritional acupuncture” because of the way it can read the body and goes from the blood stream, straight to a triggering point, or organ, which directs the body to create the needed healing and deliver the nutrients directly into the cells.

Miracle of Life formula contains super intelligence from the overall formula and then the way it is “treated” with Nikolai Tesla’s bio-magnetic technology, making the formula work with super natural power, and giving it the electrical magnetization of not only just the planet, but of the entire universe.

Today, I want to share with you stories of people just like you, fellow children of God, who’ve taken this magical formula, and it changed their lives.

I firmly believe our Miracle of Life formula will change your life too!

Desiderata – Words for Life

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,

even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Miracle of Life is the crystallization of all my work in promoting Contagious Health these past 25 years.

Miracle of Life incorporates electronically-charged Ionic Minerals and Trace Minerals in the same composition found in blood plasma. These are the foundation for all true health and longevity and they dramatically increase the cellular absorption of the natural compounds in the formula.

We all want to live a longer and healthier life and fend off feeling older for as long as possible. That’s why Miracle of Life was created.

May you enjoy it as much as we did creating it.

Retail Price: $65.95
Preferred Member: $49.97

Click Here to Order

Limit 3 per customer.

'Boost Testosterone' is UN-Greying America's Hair

To: Fellow Anti-Aging Fanatics
Re: World’s Most Powerful Testosterone Therapy

I think I have uncovered the secret to Ronald Reagan’s perpetually brown hair!

All other presidents immediately go grey while in office. Just look at Obama’s hair in just a few years – he’s aging fast.

Did Reagan know the secret of our herbal testosterone? I think so because he never dyed his hair and he went to heaven with a full mane of rich brown hair.

The Only Transdermal Delivery Herbal Testosterone

What is the BIG SECRET of our “Boost Testosterone”?

You see there are 2 forms of testosterone – “BOUND”Testosterone and  “FREE” Testosterone. Your body, your hormone factory and your hair can only use FREE TESTOSTERONE!

On the contrary, bound Testosterone is trapped by lipid, sex hormone fats that block Testosterone.

When your body has special hormonal modulating compounds and herbs inside it (such as in our Boost Testosterone Cream) it releases and frees up the bound or trapped Testosterone and Whammo! your body celebrates immediately:

  • Fatigue goes away
  • Sex drive returns
  • Body fat disappears
  • Muscles and muscle mass dramatically change
  • Weight drops like a stone
  • Depression and anxiety disappear

The Amazing Radio Show Male Americans Listened To

Last week, I was a guest on a national radio show featuring our new Boost Testosterone cream. I shared how it goes straight into the blood stream and gets to the hormonal factory in seconds.

All other pills, tablets and liquids linger in the gut for hours, barely passing through the digestive system into the bloodstream.  THIS DIFFERENCE IS GIGANTIC!

Our phone lines lit up like fireworks! People went absolutely crazy for our Boost Testosterone and we sold out in one day! (We’re back in stock now.)

We don’t make massive batches of this cream in order to give you the freshest ingredients possible. That’s why it works!

I want to share my words with you I shared on the radio.  Just click on the audio player below to listen now.

Our Boost Testosterone Transdermal Cream is able to not only help balance your hormones, it can give you back 10 or more years!

Male Menopause is a big topic in scientific journals, I believe, because the Baby Boomers are getting older and recognizing the symptoms of low testosterone levels – and refusing to slow down as we age – I know I have no intention of slowing down!

Even relatively young men in their 30’s and 40’s are experiencing symptoms such as depression, lack of motivation, decreased libido and weight gain they can’t loose even with diet and exercise.

If you missed last week’s newsletter sharing  Dale Aychman’s story (President of Ask Dr Garland) of how his hair is actually un-greying after a few months of using Boost Testosterone, and at 51 is in the best shape of his life, competing in triathlons and other endurance races, take a moment and read Dale’s story. Click on this link… (read more)

Boost Testosterone

Boost Testosterone, our transdermal Hormone Balance Cream, is a 100% natural formula, stimulating the production of vital testosterone, the most important male hormone.

Testosterone enhances all sorts of masculine body features! It supports lean muscle development, increases libido and enhances performance, boosts energy and stamina, promotes tight, youthful skin and reduces signs of aging. Testosterone is required for maintaining bone density and blood sugar levels as well as creating a more positive outlook on life – and how could you NOT have a positive outlook if your hair starts to un-grey!

Special Offer: Save an additional 10% off Boost Testosterone until August 29th.

Special Offer: Buy Boost Testosterone and get a free copy of the Ebook, “The Key to All Health and Healing” explaining the giant ‘missing link’  in all health, healing and medicine.

Retail price: $32.95, $29.66
Preferred Member Price: $26.97, $24.27

Click Here to Order and start UN-greying tomorrow!

The End of Alzheimer's?

I don’t use words like “earth-shattering” every day but today we are proud to re- introduce something that is truly earth-shattering.

Make sure you are sitting down, because what you are about to read, I think is the most dramatic thing I’ve discovered to “freeze” the aging process.

This discovery has tremendous benefits for the brain and the heart, quite possibly the two most important organs in our body.

Right up there at the very top of the greatest health discoveries of the past 50 years has to be Coenzyme Q10. It is the gasoline that powers the tiny engine inside every cell, the “mitochondria”.

When our cells don’t get enough fuel, they stop functioning – dead in their tracks, just like your automobile.

When people first started supplementing their diet with CoQ10, miracles started being reported, particularly for the heart and cardiovascular system, for the brain, for fighting cancer, even getting wobbly teeth to stay in the gums – the list went on and on.

Yet all this time, CoQ10 has had a shy relative, a cousin known as Idebenone. With voluminous research over the past 20 years heralding Coenzyme Q10, Idebenone was receiving attention only in Japan, where it was developed by Takeda Pharmaceuticals for the study of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive defects.

I first came across Idebenone while working with a brain tumor client. We were looking for a way to increase production of “Nerve Growth Factor” to replenish the nerves after an unfortunate operation had gone wrong, and I made an amazing discovery.

Want to know how to avoid brain death? Read on.
Continue reading “The End of Alzheimer's?”

Miracle Estrogen "Reset" Formula for Men AND Women

Miracle Estrogen “Reset” Formula

Do you know what your hormone levels are?

Particularly your Estrogen and Estrodiol levels? And do you know the difference?

Actually, Estrogen isn’t a single substance – it’s a group of 3 distinct, unique, yet similar hormones called “estrogen”.

Estrogen is formed in the ovaries and also produced by the adrenals and fat cells. It is a combination of three compounds: Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2) and Estriol (E3).

The strongest and most influential of the three estrogen hormones is Estradiol (E2), next in strength is Estrone (E1). These are the so-called aggressive estrogens. At high levels, they are associated with increased risk of breast, uterine AND prostate cancers.

Is there a simple answer to the Estrogen dominance epidemic? YES! The MIRACLE comes directly, as always, from Mother Nature’s pharmacy.

Everyone in the world needs to read this vitally important piece of news. It is all about a very special natural compound – a compound metabolized from vegetables like broccoli and brussel sprouts – and it literally makes cancer cells commit suicide!

As a woman, if you are not already taking this formula, read every word of this newsletter to find out why it is vital you do.

And it is just as important for men too!

Continue reading “Miracle Estrogen "Reset" Formula for Men AND Women”