Magic Mushrooms and Wild Garlic

Carved into the old, giant teak doors that welcome you to the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, China are some magical words that sum up all that is so right about this form of medicine and also, what is so wrong with Western medicine and drugs.

These words are pure genius in their simplicity:

“Don’t wait to get thirsty to dig a well.”

What the Chinese never do, in particular, is to ever let their immune system lose its protective power. In over seven years of living and traveling throughout China, not once did I ever meet someone who had a cold or the flu, or even a tiny sniffle or sneeze!

Today’s article shares with you how I discovered this power, and now how you can too.

To the Top of Drum Mountain

At the end of a three day journey, on foot, up the fabled Drum Mountain to the Monastery of the Golden Buddha, I learned a gigantic truth about the power of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Buddhist Temple on  Trail up MountainDragging my dear friend and confidant Mark Soderquist, along to witness and record it all, it seemed like we crawled up Drum Mountain on our hands and knees, through the fog that envelopes Drum Mountain continuously.

The Head Professor at the fabled Institute in Shanghai had said “the monks up there live forever, no one ever dies, they CAN’T die.”

This could very well be the famed Holy Grail of all Chinese Medicine and the answer to my prayers in fighting cancer (and something to bring home and share with all of America.)

This magical Kingdom of Longevity is like something from a dream, all set in a Lord of the Rings setting, containing what seemed like the greatest collection of gold Buddhas in all of China. Some of the golden Buddhas were so immense they were laying down on their side. Work, prayers and meditation went on all around them. Simply amazing, but let’s move on.

Through our faithful translator and mediator, Shen Yuun who worked at the Instititute and spoke impeccable Hollywood DVD-English, we were introduced to the Head Abbot of the Monastery and his Number One Assistant, the Monk of all Healing.

“We watch nature in action; Then we eat it.”

Continue reading “Magic Mushrooms and Wild Garlic”

God is "dog" spelled backwards

It’s said that the reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.

It is also said that the best friend you can have is a dog. Perhaps the best friend your dog could have (apart from you) is a bottle of our miraculous Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex.

Please take a moment from your day to sit and read this story of friendship and amazing recovery from a stroke by “Bitsy”.

An image of Patti Lewis and her Tea Cup Poodle Bitsy
Patti Lewis and Bitsy

Dear Dr. Garland,

I would like to share a wonderful experience I have had by using you Life Transfusion minerals.

A little over a year ago, my Tea Cup poodle had a stroke. I spent a small fortune at the veterinarian and the animal hospital in Las Vegas. The little dog lost all control of her body from the neck down. She was mentally alert, but her body parts just couldn’t function. After two weeks of c-scans and other tests, the physicians advised me that there was nothing they could do for Bitsy, and they suggested I have her put down.

My friends, Rob and Russell, explained to me the miracles of your Life Transfusion. They had a friend who owned a cat that had been hit by a car. The Vet was ready to put the cat down. The lady, a doctor, had bathed her cat in Life Transfusion and the cat healed and 5 years later he was still doing fine. They suggested I try soaking Bitsy in your product and see if it could help her. Knowing that Bitsy knew me and believing that her mind was still very active, I asked the Vet if I could take her home for the week-end. Continue reading “God is "dog" spelled backwards”

Heart Disease Wiped Out by Miracle Mineral

Just this past week, two major celebrities collapsed and died from sudden “Cardiac Arrest”. One was a true superstar, Michael Jackson. The second was an amazing TV spokesperson, Billy Mays, who touted laundry detergents and other products. I believe that neither of these super-talents needed to leave us, so far ahead of their time. I also believe I have the true answer behind their sudden deaths and how you can ensure it will not happen to you, or anyone in your family.

The answer is the massive necessity of daily supplementation with a Miracle Mineral, called Magnesium, the Mother Mineral of the entire Universe. If it ensures your heart will keep beating, what else can it be called?

The Double Tragedy of Michael Jackson and Billy Mays Deaths

If you’ve been following my messages on Facebook and Twitter, you will know my theory behind the tragic deaths of two superstars, Michael Jackson and Billy Mays. Both died suddenly, from a non-beating heart.

Neither of them, it appears, had any major heart problems. Their fate lay in a massive lack of the basic fuel to keep the heat beating.
Continue reading “Heart Disease Wiped Out by Miracle Mineral”

The Double-Tragedy of Michael Jackson’s Sudden Death

Late Thursday this week, the world lost “The King of Pop”, much too early at the age of 50 from sudden Cardiac Arrest. Early reports indicate it was not a heart attack, but that Michael Jackson experienced Cardiac Arrest, an abnormal heart rhythm that stops the heart from pumping blood to the body.

Michael reportedly had been spending hours and hours with a team of dancers, preparing for a comeback series of 50 concerts, starting July 13th in London’s famed “02 Arena”.

What Causes Cardiac Arrest?
First, I believe this tragedy could have been avoided if Michael had been taking some elemental compounds to fuel his heart. The most vital one, is a major mineral called “Magnesium”. Without Magnesium being supplied to the heart every split second, making the heart contract, “cardiac arrest” occurs and you can literally drop dead or go into a coma.

Every organ in the body is a miniature factory and each factory needs a foreman to run the factory and keep it working. Guess who is the foreman of the heart factory? Magnesium.

Continue reading “The Double-Tragedy of Michael Jackson’s Sudden Death”

Diary of a Diabetic: Wks 1-3 "It's Hell, But its Working!"‏‏

If you are new to the Diary of a Diabetic, we are publishing the actual notes written by Richard Weaver, who has chronic diabetes.

When I met Richard, he was scheduled for a double leg amputation, as he was horribly overweight and had almost no blood circulation to his legs.  Richard was wheelchair-bound and could not stand without assistance.

He had stopped responding to insulin and other drugs prescribed by his physician, Dr. Jann.  She had heard  I helped another patient recover from diabetes in just 13 months, after a lifetime of insulin dependency, and asked if I could help Richard.

Diary of a Diabetic: Weeks 1-3

Good Morning from Planet Diabetes

“This is hell. Life is a nightmare – unless you’ve got these Master Formulas from Wayne Garland. Where’s this guy been all these years? When this is over, I’m going to take a peek into his brain and see how it works!

It’s only Week 3 but I’m close to being off all drugs! I take no insulin injections. My energy is gangbusters!

My weight is coming down every day… I’ve lost an average of 1lb a day and it keeps coming off. And my legs have gone back to being pink and rosy, instead of purple and dark black.

If you know of anyone with Diabetes, you’ll know that what I’m experiencing is a miracle because they are on drugs, insulin, losing their eyesight, circulation failing and generally overweight and obese.

This week my regular doctor (Dr. Jann), really hammered me about my diet and exercise. Below I’ll let her tell you what she has recommended.

This is where I think I first contracted Diabetes – my diet was terrible and full of starches, sugar and junk. My pancreas simply couldn’t handle it. Now however, with Wayne Garland’s minerals, which he says RUN OUR BODY and without which we don’t run properly, my blood sugar is now nearly normal and I can feel myself returning to my original health of years ago.

Wayne Garland says the primary triggering element of this Master Formulas protocol is the use of high-potency Chromium and Vanadium. These are two minerals that I had never heard being used before, but they’re seeming to work! Wayne Garland says that Vanadium actually “mimics” insulin within the body so my exhausted pancreas can rest and rejuvenate itself. Isn’t that amazing???

A lot of all this is mumbo-jumbo to me, but it certainly seems to be working.

Thank you for your time in reading this and may God bless you all for your thoughts and concerns and emails.”

Richard Weaver, California
April 7th, 2007
Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic: Wks 1-3 "It's Hell, But its Working!"‏‏”

What's in Marine Phyto-Plankton?

People ask me all the time,

“Is there just one formula that I can take each day to satisfy my body’s needs?”

This amazing SUPERFOOD is truly a “SUPER”  “FOOD” in a capsule. Marine Phyto-Plankton has all the vitamins your body needs, all the minerals it needs, all the amino acids it needs, all the antioxidants it needs, all the proteins it needs, all the immune boosting elements it needs, all the DNA/RNA factors a body needs to rebuild and regenerate at the cellular level.

People on radiation and chemotherapy treatment in particular; rave about how their hair growth is restored in no time at all, how their energy levels leap amazingly and how well they feel.

If it can do this for people facing death, imagine what it will do for you!

The Japanese have known this for centuries and kept it secret. It is their  secret to longevity. Take it as a lesson and live abundantly, disease free, as God intended for you.

Read on to learn more about all the staggering ingredients found in just one capsule of pure, longevity dynamite Marine Phyto-Plankton.

Immune Enhancer – Phyto-Plankton stimulates the production of immune building cells because of its high content of Beta Carotene, amino acids, nucleic acids and Zinc.

It has been shown to be specifically helpful for Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus and to be more effective than chlorophyll alone and this is apparently due to the growth factors in the plankton algae. Researchers at Kanazawa Medical University in Japan and Taipei University in the Republic of China performed experiments and concluded that the anti-tumor effect was probably due to the protection or restoration of macrophage activity, which is usually retarded in the body by the time tumors start to growth (macrophages are large cells of the immune system that liberally consume and digest tumor cells, bacteria clumps and other substances that should not be in the body.)

Alkalizer – Phyto-Plankton alkalizes the body because of its content of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Iron and Chlorophyll.

Antioxidants – Because of its natural content of antioxidant minerals and vitamins like Beta Carotene, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and the B vitamins, Phtyo-Plankton is a vital protector against cancer and immune dysfunctional diseases.

Detoxifier – The cell wall material of the Phyto-Plankton rids our body of Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, radiation and pesticides and protects the liver from harmful substances.

When Phyto-Plankton was given for 12 days, Cadmium in the excretions of patients increased 3 times over the baseline. After 24 days, the Cadmium in the urine had increased to 7 times greater than the baseline!

Detoxification of heavy metals such as Mercury, Copper and Lead have also been shown with the use on a daily basis. It has also been shown to be highly effective in removing pesticides, insecticides and PCB (polychloridebiphenyl) from the body. When given to radiation treated cancer patients it has shown to prevent hair loss during the treatment period.

Regenerator – World’s highest content of natural RNA/DNA which regenerates or own RNA/DNA for a more in-depth healing. Contains 19 amino acids for cellular and tissue regeneration.

It stimulates the production of human growth hormones in the body, the same hormones known to stimulate healing of various tissue and reverse the aging process. Human RNA/DNA production slows down dramatically as we age, resulting in a lower level of vitality and reduction of healing ability.

The growth factors in Phyto-Plankton have been shown to supply abundant growth building materials for regeneration at a cellular level.

EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) – Contains 10% essential fatty acids such as Omega-3, 6 and 9 that are now proven to be vital for heart and cardiovascular function and brain sustenance. (All autopsies on Alzheimer’s patients show a chronic lack of Omega fatty acids in the brain tissue.)

The daily dose of 3 capsules contains the equivalent of a staggering 1000 mgs of marine micro milled chlorella algae. The natural sea salts, minerals and algae promote a more complete health profile for your body. Recommended serving is 3-6 capsules per day, taken with meals.

Continue reading “What's in Marine Phyto-Plankton?”

Diary of a Diabetic: Wk 1 "I'm Dreading This"‏

My name is Richard Weaver and I have chronic Diabetes. I have surgery scheduled in two weeks’ time to amputate my legs up to my crotch because of the severe lack of circulation and gangrene in my lower body (Dr. Garland has told me to cancel this for now.)

Dr. Garland swears that he can fix me and God bless him if he can, because no one else has in over 4 years of fighting this curse. The biggest thing I’m dreading is if I let him down and all his “stuff” doesn’t work.

Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic: Wk 1 "I'm Dreading This"‏”

My Startling Theory Behind Anna Nicole Smith’s Death

No doubt you’ve heard that high-profile media personality, Anna Nicole Smith, died under tragic circumstances last week.

Unless you live under a rock or have no access to newspapers, television, radio or the Internet,  you know that Anna Nicole Smith died under tragic circumstances last week.

The medical examiner who performed the autopsy on Smith’s body, said it could take weeks to determine the cause of death.

A medical mystery? I don’t think so.

Continue reading “My Startling Theory Behind Anna Nicole Smith’s Death”

The Body Requires 76 Minerals for Peak Performance

Minerals run every organ in the body, yet are the most overlooked part of our diet.

Minerals make the heart beat, your brain think, your lungs pump, your pancreas function, they make bones and new hair, skin, nails. Minerals build the immune system, control insulin and much, much more.

BUT, not all minerals are not created equal!
an image of Wayne Garland's book: The Key to All Health and  Healing explaining the importance of minerals and trace mineralsMinerals come in many forms – colloidal, coral or “rock” minerals, chelated minerals and finally ionic-electric minerals.  Ionic minerals are the very best of all, because they are in the form that the body can absorb easily, assimilate into the cells of our bodies, and conduct electricity.

I’ve written a new ebook titled, the Key to All Health and Healing, explaining why I believe minerals to be the giant “missing link” in all health, healing and medicine.  Download your copy today.

Wayne Garland

Major Minerals and their Main Actions:

Boron builds strong bones and boosts fertility

Calcium is known as the bone, ligament and cartilage mineral, but it also is necessary for heart action and to lose weight

Cesium delivers amazing anti-cancer action

Chloride makes essential stomach acid

Chromium essential for blood sugar control, diabetes and lowering cholesterol

Copper controls Iron and also helps skin formation

Germanium is a dramatic immune system interferon producer to fight diseases such as leukemia and cancer

Gold is a natural anti-inflammatory for Arthritis

Iodine is the Thyroid mineral

Iron stops anemia

Lithium is not a drug, it’s a natural anti-depressant

Magnesium is essential for converting Calcium into strong bones, dissolving Arthritis, making the heart beat, lowering blood pressure, helping to relieve chronic fatigue and easing asthma attacks

Manganese is a bone mineral – not just Calcium is needed for strong bones!

Phosphorus builds strong bones and supports brain function

Potassium makes your heart beat each split second, helps relieve chronic fatigue and supports mental energy

Selenium is the miracle mineral that fights all cancers!!

Silicon is nature’s building block for strong bones, teeth, glowing skin and hair

Silver is a natural antibiotic

Sodium is essential for energy production

Strontium makes strong bones

Vanadium mimics insulin and is great for diabetes

Zinc makes immune system T-cells to fight disease and boosts fertility

The Key to all Health and Healing

Happy New Year! 2007 is upon us already. Make this the year you become healthier than ever before. The biggest health resolution you will ever make is here: “I Will Never Become Sick Ever Again!”

I have written a vitally important book, a textbook, a guide, a Bible of Nutrition, to help you achieve this goal. Print it out right now. Every word is crammed with centuries of healing knowledge.

This is my gift to you, enjoy it and reap the rewards. Its title tells you everything you need to know. It is truly The Key to All Health and Healing.
Continue reading “The Key to all Health and Healing”