What Really Killed Mozart?

A lack of exposure to sun and the resulting deficiency in vitamin D may have been behind the early demise of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, suggests new analysis.

When you study Mozart’s habits and do a basic autopsy of his death and the list of infectious diseases he suffered from throughout his short lifetime, including pneumonia and sepsis, heart disease and kidney disease (all of which have a link to vitamin D deficiency) it becomes clear Mozart suffered from a dramatic deficiency of SUNSHINE, seldom spending time outdoors in the sun, sleeping during the days and writing music at night.

Miracle of Life: "This stuff is absolute dynamite!"

Miracle of Life is more power than 10 individual formulas – in just one! It literally “reads the body” and goes to where it is needed most. That’s why some people take it and get gigantic energy. Others however experience something totally different, they go into the deepest sleep patterns they’ve ever experienced. Why? Because their body was screaming out for rest, recovery and healing sleep.

But this electronic “reading” ability is only part of the entire Miracle of Life formula. Around the electronic core or heart of the formula, the ionized minerals and trace minerals, so vital for life to be maintained, we then encircled this core with an amazing laundry-list of compounds to address all health concerns.

Vitamin "D"iabetes

If you have diabetes or know someone who does, did you know that one single, natural vitamin has profound power in overcoming this terrible (and unnecessary) epidemic? And why doesn’t Big Medicine and Big Pharma don’t want you to know about it?!

19-1/2 Miracles: And You're Next

People always ask, “can changing my diet and taking your supplements really work for my health situation?” Here’s what a few of our customers had to say about their experience with taking a natural approach to their health and recovery.

Spinach's Super Powers Revealed

Our new Clean Heart Blood Pressure formula uses natural amino acids L-Arginine and L-Citrulline to naturally open up blood vessels, relax veins and arteries, and lower dangerous HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE while at the same time dramatically improving circulation.

Famous newscaster killed by Calcium supplement?

A new meta-analysis research study published in the British Medical Journal last week proves that when calcium is taken alone, without it’s “partner” biofactors Magnesium, vitamins D and K, the calcium accumulates in your arteries, increasing your risk of heart attack instead of growing strong bones!

God is "dog" spelled backwards

An incredible story of recovery from a stroke by Bitsy, a tiny Tea Cup Poodle, by bathing and drinking ionic liquid minerals, after the Vet said there was no chance of recovery.