No More Menopause

I love women.  The women in my life bring life, joy, beauty and strength.

If there is one thing that annoys me as much as people in our country dying needlessly, is how many women are living with preventable symptoms of menopause. It’s true women can’t stop menopause – who would even want to?  There are so many beautifully amazing things about women becoming more comfortable in their own skin.

My goal is that every single person, including every menopausal woman in our country, living to the maximum, having the energy and happiness for all of the days God gives us to ENJOY!

I can almost guarantee if you are over 50 and peri- or post-menopausal you are probably having a hard time losing weight, sleeping, eating healthy and may be depressed, or heaven forbid, despairing.

You are not alone! Millions of women in our country are suffering and their doctors tell them their only option is taking horse urine tablets and addicting them to Prozac or Valium.

What if I told you it is absolutely possible to go through your entire life with:

  • No More Menopause
  • No More Hot Flashes
  • No More PMS
  • No More Temper Tantrums
  • No More Crying Fits
  • No More Osteoporosis
  • No More Thyroid Imbalance
  • No More Sleepless Nights
  • No More Chronic Fatigue

Your pre- and post-menopausal years can be some of the most glorious in your entire life!

In fact, even if you aren’t there yet, there are things you can do right now so that you actually laugh your way all the way through menopause!

Time for Change

In 1993, an article was published in the The New England Journal of Medicine.  It was to be some of the most famous words uttered by former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop and his colleagues from the Health Project Consortium:

“Preventable illness makes up approximately 70 percent of the burden of illness and the associated costs.”

Think about this:  At least 70% of illness in this country, be it physical, emotional or mental, is preventable.  The HRT drugs given to women today in order to ‘help’ can make you very ill and, in some instances, even kill you. (For more in depth information on HRT, read our newsletter, The hidden, Ugly Truth About HRT)

Menopause isn’t a disease! It is a very normal and necessary part of life but the symptoms can actually make you feel like you WANT to die! The symptoms are what CAN be reversed and even more importantly, they can be prevented!

The time is come to change our thinking and inform women they don’t need to be medicated or cured from menopause.  It is time for a change.

Estrogen Dominance is the REAL Menopause Issue

No matter what your doctor may say, you probably do not need more estrogen.  Estrogens are abundant in our culture and no more so than in America. In fact, estrogen dominance is very common in situations where:

  • conventional Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT, has been used – HRT includes the use of excessively high amounts of estrogen combined with progestins rather than progesterone.
  • peri-menopause is occurring – follicle dysfunction prior to the end of menses, where the woman stops ovulating and progesterone levels fall drastically.
  • massive exposure to xenoestrogens – You cannot underestimate the issues associated with these ‘fake’ estrogens that act like ‘real’ estrogen in a woman’s body, thus reeking havoc with her hormone levels and and causing early follicle dysfunction, throwing women prematurely into menopause and causing horrible side effects!
  • birth control pills have been used – these toxic bombs full of excessive estrogen content cause a woman’s own hormone factory to stop producing hormones naturally.
  • hysterectomy has occurred – one way doctors choose to ‘cure’ menopause is to just rip out a woman’s uterus to stop excessive bleeding caused by all the drugs the said doctor himself prescribed.  (Not all hysterectomies are unnecessary, but unfortunately, many are!)
  • the woman has entered post-menopause – this is especially true of overweight women.

Many modern medical practitioners still believe all menopausal and peri-menopausal symptoms are caused by estrogen deficiency so they’re put on even greater amounts of estrogen.  Then, they go back to these exact same doctors suffering from uterine fibroids, breast and or uterine cancer, fibrocystic breasts, PMS, cervical cancer, pre-menopausal bone loss and osteoporosis.

Plus, there are all the daily horrific side-effects of estrogen dominance including:

  • rapid acceleration of the aging process
  • allergies
  • anxiety
  • auto-immune disorders, such as lupus and thyroiditis
  • breast tenderness and breast cancer
  • decreased sex drive
  • depression
  • fat gain – especially around the middle, hips and thighs
  • foggy thinking
  • gallbladder disease
  • hair loss
  • headaches
  • hypoglycemia
  • increased blood clots, therefore increasing risk of stroke
  • infertility
  • insomnia
  • irritability
  • memory loss
  • migraines
  • miscarriage
  • seizures
  • water retention, bloating

No wonder so many women are depressed!

BOOST PROGESTERONE:  Exactly What You’ve Been Looking For but Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About

Don’t despair! There is good news. All of these symptoms and consequences of estrogen dominance can be stopped and even reversed!

Natural, bio-identical USB Progesterone is changing the way women go through ‘the change’ and you can join them! Progesterone is what your body is craving to end the destructive emotional and physical roller coaster of midlife hormonal change.

In fact, even if you aren’t even close to menopause, our BOOST Progesterone changes the face of menopause by doing the exact opposite of everything excess estrogen does in a woman’s body!

Progesterone allows the body to:

  • maintain healthy secretory endometrium
  • protects the body against breast fibrocysts
  • is a natural diuretic to flush out excess water and guard against bloating and water weight gain
  • is a natural anti-depressant and calms anxiety
  • prevents cyclical migraines
  • promotes normal sleep patterns
  • facilitates thyroid hormone function
  • helps to normalize blood sugars and blood clotting
  • boosts libido, restoring healthy sexual function
  • restores cellular oxigenation
  • prevents endometrial cancer and helps to prevent breast and uterine cancer
  • improves memory
  • ends depression … well, I could go on and on.

All I can say is, you’ve got to start using this stuff. All the women I talk to who use it say one thing – “I wish I had started using this sooner!”

In fact, the sooner the better.

BOOST Progesterone: Changing the Way Women Do Menopause

There has been much confusion surrounding the use of natural progesterone in the last decade.

Progesterone has traditionally been produced by converting the phyto-estrogen (plant estrogen) Diosgenis to natural progesterone. This is the same progesterone that is produced by the body.

Our all-natural, Bio-Identical USP BOOST Progesterone Cream is derived from plant sterols. There are no recorded side effects and studies have shown that natural progesterone may help osteoblast function, which is integral in bone rebuilding – vital for post-menopausal women!

Whether or not to use Natural Progesterone when pre-menopausal is a decision made by each women individually working with her health care professional and based on signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance. These symptoms include:

  • Water retention, edema (swelling, bloating)
  • Fatigue, lack of energy
  • Breast swelling, Fibrocystic breasts
  • Premenstrual mood swings, depression
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Heavy or irregular menses
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Symptoms of low thyroid such as cold hands and feet.

When using Bio-Identical USP BOOST Progesterone cream, massage it into skin until it is noticeably absorbed. It’s best to apply to thinner skin, such as the chest, breasts, lower abdomen, inner thighs, wrists, inner arms and neck.

*amount of USP Progesterone Cream to apply will differ depending on your personal, individual needs. Always consult your health care provider if you need help with dosage.

Retail Price: $24.95
Preferred Member price: $19.97

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