Milk does NOT do a Body Good!

Did you know milk and arthritis pain are directly associated?
How about milk and fibromyalgia?

Today’s Health Alert comes to us from Dr. Sunny Kierstyn, a Chiropractic Physician and founder of the Fibromyalgia Care Center in Eugene, OR. Dr. Kierstyn has documented a 70% decrease in PAIN in her patients within a few weeks of eliminating dairy.

If you have any doubt at all that milk and dairy products can really be linked to pain in your body, take Dr. Kierstyn’s No Dairy Challenge (instructions below) and document your experience. I have no doubt you will be amazed at the results!

Please forward today’s Health Alert to anyone you know who still consumes dairy (especially whey protein powders) and urge them to switch to delicious and healthy plant-based alternatives.

Milk Does NOT Do a Body Good!
by Dr. Sunny Kierstyn
Fibromyalgia Care Center of Oregon
Reprinted with permission from Robert Cohen’s NOTMILK column, March 8, 2011.

America has had a love affair with the juices from a cow since the wagon trains came west. When mom died, Dad could feed the munchkin cow’s milk and the child would appear to thrive. Today, a hundred and fifty years later, Americans consume milk and dairy products in record numbers – in a dozen+ varieties, upwards of a half a dozen times or more a day – for decades through their lives.

During my years as a Chiropractic Physician, at the second visit of each patient, I have been collecting food surveys designed to seek out the overt and covert ways people consume dairy containing foods. Ten years worth of these surveys have shown us that, on the average, Americans put some form of dairy foods in their body three to eight times a day! That’s a lot of cow juice.

So what is so wrong with that? Research about cow’s milk shows that it is designed to grow a 600 pound, breedable animal within fifteen months of time. That’s A LOT of calories and hormones and proteins.

So what is wrong with that? What’s wrong with that is that humans were never meant to drink the milk of another species and certainly not for prolonged times, such as decades! What’s wrong with it is that we are finding out that those proteins cause disease.

What diseases?
Numerous diseases are known to stem from and/or be seriously (negatively) influenced by dairy consumption: acne, ADD (plus a variety of other behavioral problems), arthritis, PAIN (any PAIN problem), asthma, allergies, Alzheimer’s, anemia, bed wetting, bone disease, PAIN, bowel function, breast cancer, brucellosis, cholesterol and liver problems, colic, colds, congestive conditions, Crohn’s disease, PAIN, Diabetes (both juvenile and adult), depression, dioxin poisoning, early maturity, fibroids, fibromyalgia, PAIN, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, headaches, heartburn, infertility, kidney stones, lymphoma, lactose intolerances, leukemia, lungworms, ALS (any autoimmune disease), PAIN, mucus problems, migraines, mood swings, MS, nasal dysfunctions, obesity, osteoporosis, ovarian cysts, PAIN, prostate problems (both enlargement and cancer), PAIN, rheumatoid arthritis, salmonella, sinus conditions, skin conditions, stroke, PAIN, stomach aches, SIDS, tuberculosis, the terrible twos, uterine cancer, colon cancer, PAIN, ovarian cancer, etc., etc., etc.

How does that happen?
In the human, cow’s milk presents problems from two sources: one stems from the proteins of the cow and the other is from the contents that are placed in the cow to increase its production and/or protect its health.

Let’s talk about proteins first. There are 25-27 different proteins which dairy products present to the human. Let’s look at the more abundant ones:

1) Casein: approximately 80% of proteins from the cow are casein. The properties of this protein include an increase of mucus production and thickening of mucus fields. Casein is so good at thickening that it is used to make glue… the glue that is used to make furniture (where they need a strong bond). It is also used to glue labels onto glass bottles… ever tried to remove a label from a dewy soda bottle or beer bottle? Well, that is what casein is doing inside of you: glomming up organs.

Given that we generally consume dairy, in one form or another, 3-8 times a day, is it any wonder the various organs, such as lungs, bowels, ovaries or prostates, become dysfunctional to the point of developing disease?

2) Caso-morphine: A product from the break-down of casein, this protein acts just like an opiate, literally drugging you. Yes, warm milk will make you sleepy. It will also make you groggy the next morning, tired throughout the day, depressing your mentality and thinking, robbing you of your initiative and enthusiasm and your get-up-and-go. ‘Foggy brain’ is the residual from your dinner last night!

3) (Lacto-) Albumin: According to the New England Journal of Medicine (July 30, 1992), this milk protein appears to be responsible for the development of diabetes, both juvenile and adult types. Given that this is the first foreign protein introduced to our infants, this could be the instigator in the development of juvenile diabetes.

Knowing that we in America consume these proteins in abundance during all the decades of our lives, it is theorized that the action of casein combined with the negative action of the albumin could well be responsible for the growing number of cases of adult onset of diabetes.

4) IGF-1: a powerful growth hormone that appears to be the same protein in both humans and bovines. However, it contains 70 amino acids in the identical specific sequence for each species.

Today in America, dairy products contain residues of anything the cow consumes and/or is given as a health aid. Consequently, people who consume dairy products ingest residuals of these ingredients. Many are not good for the human system, provoking a myriad of diseases.

As of 2001, the contents of each glass of milk or each bite of dairy is:

  • 59 hormones – half of which are designed to grow and maintain a 600 lb animal.
  • 52 antibiotics – one of which is considered to be lethal to the human and has been found during autopsy of small children.
  • Pesticides and herbicides – remember dioxin, the most lethal herbicide on the planet? A recent study found that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream contained 22 times the safe level of dioxin… given off by the cow from the grasses it eats.
  • Bacteria & viruses – many DO survive pasteurization. For example, the bacterium causing Crohn’s disease – mycobacterium paratuberculosis – survives pasteurization and is the only known cause of this disease. Another instance is that ‘out of nowhere. Sore throat that you wake up with every so often can usually be traced back to dairy consumption.
  • Blood, pus, feces – yes, blood, PUS, and feces! Think about it for a moment (not to get gross here) a cow in 1975, provided 4 quarts of milk/day; in 2006, they provide 25 (!!) quarts/day. With that increase amount of milking, the skin of their udders break down and develop sores that then – due to continued usage – become infected. The residue from that inflammation cannot be separated from the flow of milk. The FDA oversees the issue with a regulation that states: “as long as there is no more than 750,000 pus cells/cc (a cc is 1/3 of a teaspoon), the milk can be sold.” The language used in the regulation is ‘somatic cells’ which means pus.
  • Incidental environmental pollutants such as strontium-90 from radioactive fallout and other organophosphates.

There are 3 bovine diseases known to affect the human being: leukemia, mad cow disease and john’s disease.

Currently in America, over 75% of our bovine herds are infected with bovine leukemia. In 1975, Dr. Virgil Hulse, then the head of the US Department of Agriculture, discovered the bovine leukemia virus would pass the human blood brain barrier. Fearing a panic within the dairy industry, the USDA would not allow him to publish his findings. His book, Mad Cows and Milk Gate, unfolds the story and its consequences.

Mad Cow Disease became a concern in the 1990s, though the FDA assures us now that it no longer exists within the United States. Eating spinal or brain tissue is what they tell us has the most risk. Many people are back eating beef… No statement has been made about dairy products coming from these animals.

As of this writing, it is unknown whether the contents of dairy or the proteins of dairy are responsible for the increase in pain. What we DO know is that any arthritic or structural problem will hurt more after dairy products are consumed. What we know is that, when a person avoids cow’s milk products – and/or uses dairy products made from rice, nuts or soy – their pain patterns are dramatically reduced… and they can often do much more in their lives.

Take my No-Dairy Challenge:
Eliminate all dairy for 7-10 days (depending on how frequently you eliminate your bowels). Within a day or two of the time you stop putting these foods in your body, you will begin to eliminate the accumulated mucus. You may find yourself blowing your nose or spitting up mucus plugs. “It’s a good thing” as Martha would say.

At the end of the elimination period, notice how your body feels: lighter, easier to move around in, ‘calmer” is one word I have heard frequently to describe the new state.

Then, on the 8th or 11th day, have a serving of whatever is your favorite dairy food, whether it is ice cream, a cheese sandwich or buttered toast…and watch what happens in your body over the next 30 seconds to 3 days. You may be very surprised at how your nasal congestion increases or your aches and pains seem to suddenly return.

So, what do I do?
Today, we live in the 2000’s. Every one of our favorite dairy foods is now available in commercial form made from soy or rice or nuts. The flavors are full, rich, wonderfully satisfying and comforting. You don’t have to give up anything to avoid all of that disease risk. Why take the risk that dairy foods represent? Just get your dairy foods from the plant kingdom!

Dr. Sunny Kierstyn

“Everyone should read Dr. Kierstyn’s letter at least TWICE, so as to take in all the incredible information it contains.

Look around you and you’ll seean  image of the book: Milk-The Deadly Poison first hand, with your own eyes the damage dairy products are inflicting on an unwitting public; Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Lupus, Leukemia, as well as direct links to Autism and Attention Deficit.

As if you could possibly need to know even more about the hidden dangers of consuming dairy, read Robert Cohen’s book, Milk: The Deadly Poison. If reading Sunny’s article above didn’t change forever what you think about milk and dairy products, Robert’s book will.”

Further Tips & Suggestions:

  • If you’re worried about your Calcium, get our blockbuster Bone Density formula, you’ll be as strong as Mount Rushmore. (BTW – Did you know calcium from milk is not digestible by humans?)
  • If you’re worried about where you’ll get protein, get our Protein Plus VEGAN Super Food and mix it with Hemp Milk for a double-dose of plant proteins. (Read the article, Dr. Vegetable Will See You Now!, with a detailed outline of which plants are brimming with protein.)
  • If you’re worried about soy, try Hemp, Coconut, Rice or nut-milks like Almond (Bill Clinton’s favorite), cashew or hazelnut. They are all delicious!
  • If you’re still worried, stop drinking milk and all your worries will be gone!


4 Replies to “Milk does NOT do a Body Good!”

  1. In 1992 I went on a diet and eliminated all dairy. I noticed all the body changes you have described, pain, fibromyalgia, depression, etc. disappear, along with one very important other one; anger, that I had been displaying for years, all but disappeared. Dairy in any form has a very adverse effect on human emotions. My husband can tell within a few hours if I have caved and indulged in dairy, which in my opinion is addictive.

    I have tried, without any success, to get my family and friends to just go two weeks without dairy (as a matter of fact they were all getting upset because I tried so hard.)

    I have paid close attention to people’s pain when I hear complaints. I look at them and if they appear swollen then immediately I think ‘dairy’. I did persuade one person to forgo dairy. She now says I saved her life and thanks me each time we meet.

    The reason I am writing this is because I am up at 3:30am coughing up phlegm caused by drinking a glass of unadulterated fresh sweet beautiful milk.

  2. I suffered for years knowing that dairy made me miserable, but ingested it anyway. I gradually eliminated it from my diet, but didn’t notice how big a difference it made till I took it out completely, and then had some. My main difficulty was breathing. It triggers my sinuses and asthma. I found that I get much more calcium and minerals from Almond Milk, and have adjusted to the unsweetened variety very well. I highly recommend anyone who is struggling with health problems to give it a try. Dairy is NOT necessary to our diet, its just an easy cop-out for those that don’t want to take the time to eat right.

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