The 25 Steps to Cancer-Proof Your Body

Is there a “cure” for Cancer?

Yes. Don’t get it in the first place!

Recently, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute released a major study showing that consuming large amounts of fat, especially saturated fats from red meat and dairy products like milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, increases your risk of contracting Pancreatic Cancer by 36%. Click here to read more.

Did you catch that?  36% more likely to get cancer!

This report got me fired up because I’ve been preaching for years about how toxic red meat and dairy are to the human body.

People ask me all the time,  “How did you rid your body of cancer?”

Today, I’m sharing with you the program I followed over 25 years ago while fighting a terminal cancer condition.  I was given just six months to live.

So read this article.  Print it out.  Follow the advice religiously for the next 97 days.  Then, listen to your body and you will hear it say, “Thank You”.

You Are What You Eat


Vegetarian Feast at The Jade Cafe (photo: Luke Walker)

The reason so many people in America get cancer is because of the food we eat. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is so destructive to the body.

In Okinawa, cancer rates are one-sixth what they are in America. Breast cancer is unheard of, same for Prostate cancer in men.

Until recently, they didn’t eat McDonald’s burgers or drink Diet Coke and Pepsi loaded with artificial sweeteners or high fructose, corn syrup Slur-pees. And they didn’t smoke cigarettes, cigars or chews tobacco. They do now and their cancer rates are changing.

One thing they DON’T DO is drink milk from cows! Instead they mash up soybeans and mix it with pure ocean water to create their own Soy Milk.

You are what you eat. If you eat dead flesh and rotting dairy, what do you think will happen to you?

The 25 Steps to Cancer-Proof Your Body

1. Eliminate all dairy. No more milk, cheese, ice cream or butter. Dairy products contain a dangerous hormone that triggers and fuels cancer. Switch to soy, nut or rice milks instead. Or try Hemp milk – it’s delicious!

If you need more evidence why you should stop consuming dairy products, watch the Hard Copy video expose, Milk the Deadly Poison. It will change forever what you think about milk and dairy products. We also recommend you get a copy of Robert Cohen’s book of the same name. You can purchase a used copy on

2. No more red meat, pork or chicken. Switch to tofu, tempeh, or seitan. Consuming dead animal flesh is not a healthy choice.

3. Eat as much raw food as possible and drink fresh raw vegetable juices.

4. Eat as much Broccoli as you can. Raw or lightly steamed is best. Broccoli is a very powerful anti-cancer food. Our DIM formula is loaded with phytonutrients found in cruciferous vegetables like Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower and Leeks.

5. Eat as much Asparagus as you can. It is loaded with an antioxidant called Glutathione, the “Super Hero” of Antioxidants. Fresh, organic is best. Have it every day. For an even more potent form of Glutathione, use our topical, transdermal Glutathione cream called Supta Gluta, which goes directly into the bloodstream. Powerful!

6. Shop for Shiitake, Agaricus, Reishi, Maitake and Portabella mushrooms. Mushrooms have been used by Chinese doctors for centuries to boost the immune system. Make up our anti-cancer Shiitake Mushroom Miso Soup. Have it every day without fail.

For an incredible extra boost, take our Immune Support formula, our Asian Medicinal Mushroom formula.

7. Get 20 minutes of early morning sunshine every day, before 11 am, to stimulate Vitamin D-3 production within the body. The “Sunshine Vitamin” is a very potent cancer fighter. Our Ultra D3 Formula is the most potent available on the market!

8. Get our Miracle of Life formula, containing a special blend of vitamin D3, Calcium and much more. In a major study at Creighton University, people who took high dosages of these two compounds had an 84% lower rate of cancer compared to the general public. Yes, 84%. This statistic is true against every form of cancer.

The vitamin D and the calcium are converted by the body into a profound anti-cancer chemotherapeutic hormone called “Calcitriol”. It wipes out cancer cells. It is the core of this formula and the only one of its kind. Read our recent article, Your BODY Makes Chemo, to learn more of this miraculous formula.

9. Get plenty of Omega 3/6/9 fatty acids. Foods naturally high in Omegas are fish, walnuts and plant oils such as flax seed, pumpkin, or hemp. Hemp milk is a great milk alternative that just happens to have the perfect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 for the body and brain. We recommend our Omega 3/6/9 and Protein Plus Superfood formulas.

10. Take our Super AKG Shark Liver Oil, containing the secret of the shark’s profound immune defense system. The secret? Sharks don’t get cancer and neither should you!

11. Drink lots and lots of unsweetened Green Tea. The Japanese do this every day and their cancer rates are insignificant compared to ours.

12. Eat as much curry as you can; vegetable curry of course. Make my Eggplant and Chickpea Curry, a wonderful tasting curry dish that fights Cancer and Alzheimer’s.

For a super curry boost, order our amazing Super Curcuminoid C3 Complex.

13. Eat or juice as many oranges, lemons and limes as you can. The vitamin C content is one of the best antioxidants (anti-cancer) elements in the universe.

14. Eat foods high in Zinc, like oysters, crab, herring, turkey, poppy seeds, caraway seeds, brewer’s yeast, mushrooms, wheat germ and pumpkin seeds. Zinc is the mineral that makes vital T-cells in the Thymus gland.

Our brutally strong Immune Support formula is loaded with Zinc too! See #6 above.

15. Eat foods rich in Selenium, like sesame seeds, garlic, kelp, all green veggies, nuts, mushrooms. Selenium is the the anti-cancer mineral.

16. Order our famous Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex. It is a powerhouse of all 76 minerals, particularly Selenium. Take one teaspoon a day in fresh carrot and beet juice or, low sodium V8 juice.

17. Drink lots of “Essiac Tea”. Possibly the most famous anti-cancer beverage around, with near mythic results. Call me and I’ll tell you how to find it.

18. Have a bowl of our Miracle Potassium Broth or Miso Shiitake Soup. Cancer “hates” Potassium.

19. Download a copy of our Meals That Heal recipe book! You’ll find many more great tasting recipes.

20. Have an Infra-Red Sauna once a week if possible. Amazing detoxification for the lymph system.

21. Have a very hot mineral water detox soak for 45 minutes. Do this once or twice a week. You can have you own mineral bath at home by adding a quarter cup of our Liquid Minerals to a very hot bath of filtered water. Get our 32 oz bottle – it’s like getting 4 bottles for the price of 3.

22. Get a Shower Mate water filter if you are on city water treated with chlorine and other chemicals. In the shower, our skin absorbs the chemicals used to “treat” the water. Chlorine also reverts to a gaseous state when heated, and you breathe this poison in. Your skin will also feel softer.

23. Make up my detoxifying Mineral Mud Bath. If you are someone already being treated with radiation, this bath will help to suck the byproducts of the radiation out as well as aid in relieving the pain.

24. Rid your body of the Candida fungus. It is theorized by many leading cancer researchers that cancer “breeds” in the fungal Candida Albicans growth. This can happen from over-consumption of antibiotics. Order our super detox Candida Cleanse formula.

25. Order a coffee enema kit from s.a. Wilsons Gold Roast Coffee. Have two enemas a day to purge and cleanse the liver. This is the world-famous therapy pioneered by Dr. Max Gerson.

If you are fighting cancer do not underestimate the power of this enema-detoxification.

IMPORTANT: You MUST have three glasses of carrot/beet/celery juice a day when doing enemas to wash the liver clean, get live enzymes into the body, and alkalize the blood.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and do not claim to be one. My statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and the information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

How to Implement This Program

Do not be daunted by all this information.

It is very simple to implement. Start at #1 and every 3 days, add one more. Hopefully by the 90th day, you are doing everything in the program.

If you’ve read this far and have a health issue you would like to discuss, call me for a private conversation.

As always, here’s to your Contagious Health!

Wayne Garland

12 Replies to “The 25 Steps to Cancer-Proof Your Body”

  1. My 69 year old husband is on Coumadin. He is active, plays golf, mows and does many other chores. He was recently diagnosed with incurable stage 4 adenocarcinoma in his abdominal area, primary site not known. Because of being on Coumadin, we don’t know what supplements or herbs, or diet for that matter, would be safe for him but do believe that a good program like yours can allow the body to heal itself. What would you say to us about following your plan in his particular situation. He has had 4 strokes and has low heart function but seems to have a good quality of life at this point.

    1. Dear Lucy,

      I will send you my overall protocol to follow separately along with special Healing Meals that you need to have him start on immediately. Diet and Detoxification are vital.

      When you get the two documents, email me back with a telephone number and a good time for us all to discuss moving forward. In the meantime, totally eliminate all dairy consumption. No milk, cheese, ice cream or butter. Use Soy alternatives.

      And totally eliminate all red meat and pork consumption. Switch to organic TOFU or TEMPEH which are concentrated soy alternatives.

      Let’s talk soon.

      DR G.

  2. My nephew is 10 years old, he has got a nephroblastoma (wilm’s tumor) 3rd time… it has come after a 5 years past treatment. we are very much scared.
    can you please guide us how to go ahead with the food, now he is taking chemotherapy ( not operated yet)

    please help

  3. My mother has been recently diagnosed with stage IIIA LUNG CANCER and Breast cancer. She just had a lobetectomy of her upper left lung lobe done and will has a double mastectommy on 02/01. They are planning on giving her chemo and radiation after. Please let me know what kinds of supplements or what type of food she should eat any information would be highly appreciated. thank you.

  4. i live in jamaica and would like to colloberate with you in refering people to you.i just came across your site and i love is great

  5. Hello Dr Garland
    Is it possible the detox program I used in Mexico, for treating breast
    cancer, might have caused electrolyte imbalances and lowered immunity?
    They eliminate milk but do use organic chicken, turkey, no tofu or soy
    as it may be too different from their usual diet, include lots of eggs
    and fruit juices but no sugar added to anything. They infused laetrile and some other compounds thought to be selective for cancer by IV but their program includes continuing the coffee enemas, laetrile and a lot of detox herbs for liver, kidney, colon and parasites along with a foul tasting japanese tea they insist reduces cancer and inflammation.
    I think the unpalatableness of a diet that seemmed to cause my teeth and bones to ache, and my blood pressure to get so low in the afternoons I started having fainting spells may be demotivating. I was taking the coffee enemas only twice a day even though three times a day was recommended because the caffeine was keeping me up at night. Also the alkalyzing drink I would get in the mornings (probably bicarbonate of soda in concentrated form—they did not seem to be able to tell me exactly what it was) caused indigestion, so that was stopped. Since I weigh 110 lbs and started losing weight, but have regained it coming back home and supplementing with a combination of some dairy such as lowfat cottage cheese, yoghurt and organic soy and some organic lowfat
    milk my teeth and joints have stopped aching and the blood pressure is renormalizing after stopping the detox regimens including the coffee enemas. I have not come down with a cold or the flu for many years, but my resistance dropped so low I acquired a flu which has left me in bed the greater part of this month with a lot of residual respiratory congestion which is slowly disappearing on a diet of a lot of soups and fluids including juices. I am still taking one half the dose of laetrile which was supposed to be 400 mg a day and my skin no longer looks ashen and grey. I will now try to add back components of this protocol which the Mexican doctors claim works for their patients. So far no reduction can be felt on the breast tumor which is still on the small side, about a cm in diameter in some thickened tissue so all of this can be felt. Last month cancer markers, the first that have been measured from blood, were all within normal ranges. They track these to see if a condition is worsening.
    Before going to Mexico I already was taking vitamin D3, selenium, vitamin C in buffered form and a high grade fish oil. I think I should
    add in cod liver oil or perhaps the shark liver oil which is stronger.
    I have had a history of chronic fatigue and visual and auditory problems stemming from central nervous system lyme disease for which I was treated for five years with antibiotics and intermittently since then the last five years as needed to curtail any effects from a few more recent tick bites. I did not find that the Mexican treatments increased energy any and in fact my resistance fell.

    I am wondering about adding in more regimens that boost immunity without increasing autoimmune inflammatory processes. Every person with cancer is unique in that they may have other chronic conditions to deal with either separate from or contributory to cancer but which must be balanced to make sense to the body. Do you have any additional recommendations?

    Many thanks for your letters and blogs. They go in the right direction.

  6. @Annakay Edwards
    The #1 thing you must do is rejuvenate your immune system.

    Natural supplements can and do help, but first what is your diet like? You must eliminate all processed foods and all animal products (dead flesh does not give your body life!), including all forms of dairy like milk, cheese, butter and ice cream. You MUST ONLY eat foods that give LIFE to your body. This means fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

    We have helped hundreds of people recover from the damaging effects of traditional cancer treatment. If you would like my personal guidance, contact our Customer Support team to schedule a private consultation.

    Kind regards,

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